Tuesday 26 July 2016

How to get out of a writing slump!

Every writer has periods in their life where it seems like no matter what, they cannot get back into the swing of things with their writing--either because they're just too lazy, unmotivated, or just can't seem to find time. Personally, I have writing slumps more times than I think one should, but it happens to the best of us! We're only humans, not writing robots.

Here are some tips that could get you out of that awful writing slump:

1. Step away from your work.

What I mean by this is put your manuscript or whatever it is you are working on on hold for a while--I know this seems strange as a writing slump is essentially not connecting with your work, but taking the time to step back (not for too long) and taking some time to yourself to let your brain relax and refresh could be all you need to spark a new idea.

2. Find a new perspective.

Writing from a certain character's point of view? Why not change things up a bit and brainstorm and make jot notes from a different character's point of view. Doing this may add different dimensions and plot points to your story that you never even knew existed.

3. Set goals.

This is pretty obvious, but setting goals and deadlines for yourself could be the drive you need. Start small and set short term goals that are realistic and attainable.

4. Find a fresh set of eyes.

Why not enlist the help of a close friend or family member? Getting advice and feedback from someone you trust with your work can generate new ideas. Ask them what they think of certain characters and plot points and what they liked or disliked. Take this time to make changes to your manuscript.

5. Try a different environment.

I find writing in the same place, at the same time, every day can get boring and monotonous. Changing up your scenery could set a new tone for your writing and will help you feel refreshed.

6. Stop editing.

Turn off your inner editor and just write. Get your ideas out on the page and forget about your grammatical and spelling errors. The world needs to hear your story--worry about the minor details later.

7. Move around.

Get up from from your desk, kitchen table, sofa, whatever, and move around. Try some relaxing breathing techniques or a few yoga poses to calm your mind. Go to the fridge and get a snack.

8. Try something new.

Change up your writing style. Are you writing a young adult manuscript? Why not change it up for a while and write some poetry. You can always come back to your major project when you feel ready.

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